Thibor the Cruel
Whether she liked it or not they were inextricably bound now. Thibor wasn't even sure he could undo what he had forged that day at the temple. He harnessed his strength together and began to tug back, his essence pulling on that part of him that was inherently his as he spoke the words aloud." Xytrinah come to me. Come to me and let us discuss these events. I am curious now and you are angry no doubt. Still your ire will cool and you cannot deny that we are bound, you and I. My anger burns in you and yours burns in me but still I need answers to the riddle you pose and I will have them." These words would carry on the metaphysical ether and would be not so much heard but felt by Xytrinah wherever she would be. They also constituted an invitation which is all she would need to pass through the barriers he had erected around his kingdom.
His voice held the tone of the serpent in the Garden of Eden itself and yet he spoke of talk never hurting. Still it was a reasonable enough request and it was the closest that Thibor had ever come to admitting he was wrong.