Thibor the Cruel
Thibor had finally calmed, most of his ire drained by the strenuous work of reinforcing his enchantments and barriers around his realm. He still did not understand this sudden show of weakness on Xytrinah's part and that bothered him. Had it been weakness? Was she plotting something more that had escaped him? If so how? He had to know though he doubted he would be as welcome as he once was. It would not be the first time his temper had gotten him into trouble and it would not be the last. Still he knew something of Xytrinah that no one else did and he intended to use it to his advantage now. He lets his metaphysical self slip into that arcance reality beyond this one and almost immediately he felt the tug of her essence pulling against his own.
Whether she liked it or not they were inextricably bound now. Thibor wasn't even sure he could undo what he had forged that day at the temple. He harnessed his strength together and began to tug back, his essence pulling on that part of him that was inherently his as he spoke the words aloud." Xytrinah come to me. Come to me and let us discuss these events. I am curious now and you are angry no doubt. Still your ire will cool and you cannot deny that we are bound, you and I. My anger burns in you and yours burns in me but still I need answers to the riddle you pose and I will have them." These words would carry on the metaphysical ether and would be not so much heard but felt by Xytrinah wherever she would be. They also constituted an invitation which is all she would need to pass through the barriers he had erected around his kingdom.
Whether she liked it or not they were inextricably bound now. Thibor wasn't even sure he could undo what he had forged that day at the temple. He harnessed his strength together and began to tug back, his essence pulling on that part of him that was inherently his as he spoke the words aloud." Xytrinah come to me. Come to me and let us discuss these events. I am curious now and you are angry no doubt. Still your ire will cool and you cannot deny that we are bound, you and I. My anger burns in you and yours burns in me but still I need answers to the riddle you pose and I will have them." These words would carry on the metaphysical ether and would be not so much heard but felt by Xytrinah wherever she would be. They also constituted an invitation which is all she would need to pass through the barriers he had erected around his kingdom.
"Xytrinah Come to me. I feel the pull of you upon my very core and you feel my pull upon yours. Submit and let me sate my curiosity and perhaps I will let you pour out your wrath upon me. Come Xytrinah Come to me. Let us not be so easily parted by quick tempers and strange decisions. I know that I fascinate you and you fascinate me. There is no denying it. Indulge your fascination but for a moment and hear my questions and let me hear your answers and then I will allow you to say your piece. Perhaps we can reconcile these differences perhaps not but nothing was ever hurt by talk now was it?"
His voice held the tone of the serpent in the Garden of Eden itself and yet he spoke of talk never hurting. Still it was a reasonable enough request and it was the closest that Thibor had ever come to admitting he was wrong.
His voice held the tone of the serpent in the Garden of Eden itself and yet he spoke of talk never hurting. Still it was a reasonable enough request and it was the closest that Thibor had ever come to admitting he was wrong.
Within the source of the evening within the confinements of her own chambers something tugged at her nerves, provocatively playing with those elaborate threads of her being. Here in all places where her solitude was the only welcome granted within the depths of night where such things poured out in dulcet prangs of agony, pain and lament- though strangely this night she seemed more cold than ever before and yet so emotionally hyperactive. Thoughts engulfed her concentration whilst writing those letters with some words in haste and from the very emotions that boiled from within, but something else irked her beyond collection or rationality. Having given those envelopes to Isabella and returning once again into the darkness of those ebony silk and velvet upholstery shining in the overture of that three tiered candelabrum; flickering in aubergine hues before turning to the pale essence of blue.
Finding herself walking towards the open window of the tower, welcoming the melancholy haunting moonlight in philtre effect against the pallid contours of her picturesque face resembling the pureness of fine sculptured statues that even Aphrodite paled in comparison to. Finding herself looking out over the landscapes towards the direction where Zothesque would be found. Slender arms placed against the cold granite as Xytrinah leaned closer towards the wintry elements that caressed the castle spires and the long ravenous tresses of virescent ebony though reflecting and shimmering by the radiance of ethereal moonlight fingers gracing and coursing throughout the lengths of those silky coils as if caressing her to swoon to the very fibres that pulled upon her conscience.
Finding herself walking towards the open window of the tower, welcoming the melancholy haunting moonlight in philtre effect against the pallid contours of her picturesque face resembling the pureness of fine sculptured statues that even Aphrodite paled in comparison to. Finding herself looking out over the landscapes towards the direction where Zothesque would be found. Slender arms placed against the cold granite as Xytrinah leaned closer towards the wintry elements that caressed the castle spires and the long ravenous tresses of virescent ebony though reflecting and shimmering by the radiance of ethereal moonlight fingers gracing and coursing throughout the lengths of those silky coils as if caressing her to swoon to the very fibres that pulled upon her conscience.
Her temper had not cooled, in fact it toiled and brewed deeper within her core more profound than anything else. Could it be the merging of both energies and tempers churning within her small miniscule form which bore nothing significant in build or height. She was a small, extremely petite little thing, slender legs and flawless contours. But hell did he inspire her wrath more than any man had ever dared and left without even so much as a scratch. Thibor was the only one who came to mind in regards to this magnetic-attraction that could not be described as anything else but coercing and compelling in every regard.
Mind attempting to ignore the sensations but not even the strength of her will seemed to sway this inkling, niggling feeling pulling at her being. In complete protest those very opened windows would slam shut, constantly banging as those dark opaque eyes narrowed- the slamming heard throughout the castle as if to drown out a voice not heard but felt- it was a feeling which made her uncomfortable and agitated and the only way to cease such a disturbance would be to swallow that pride and actually see what it was that was so imperatively important.
Mind attempting to ignore the sensations but not even the strength of her will seemed to sway this inkling, niggling feeling pulling at her being. In complete protest those very opened windows would slam shut, constantly banging as those dark opaque eyes narrowed- the slamming heard throughout the castle as if to drown out a voice not heard but felt- it was a feeling which made her uncomfortable and agitated and the only way to cease such a disturbance would be to swallow that pride and actually see what it was that was so imperatively important.
Her avatar had already left for Ayenee, in total Xytrinah had separated herself three times and another would not be dared for not only was it an abuse of power but also something she totally frowned upon, but over the past week matters could not be addressed promptly without separating counterparts and essence, which none would know any different save for Thibor. The true manifestation of Xytrinah had been within the Temple, the same embodiment which had shut herself in the seclusion of room, wrote those letters and then sent another form of herself to march other forces to Eden and Rhydin.
She saw no immediate importance until the battle actually begun and Shumei required reserves, she would not take those troops into battle without speaking to Shumei first or him requesting them move to battle. It was safe to assume things would be well on all other fronts and she would not insult another with half of her attention so the true embodiment of Xytrinah would see to this 'call' within the Lords own realm and sanctuary. Something she had always been taught to respect even though to look upon him with the same interest would come nothing short of a sneer over opium-seduced lips the hue of strawberries and aconite.
She saw no immediate importance until the battle actually begun and Shumei required reserves, she would not take those troops into battle without speaking to Shumei first or him requesting them move to battle. It was safe to assume things would be well on all other fronts and she would not insult another with half of her attention so the true embodiment of Xytrinah would see to this 'call' within the Lords own realm and sanctuary. Something she had always been taught to respect even though to look upon him with the same interest would come nothing short of a sneer over opium-seduced lips the hue of strawberries and aconite.
Allowing her form to slip away into the ether, shifting from incorporeal and infiltrating the night like a silent nemesis she would travel swiftly to the very location of this Wamphyri Lord and meet him in his own territory. Simply appearing before him, since she was allowed to pass barriers by his own submission; she would appear to him in attire of black rose gossamer and leather, accentuating her very physique as it became more solidified and corporeal. Eyes meeting directly upon his as that sneer evaporated into the cold calculating expression of nothingness- her words simply spoken but bearing no hate or anything construed as disrespectful by any means though the rigid of her stance could have one expecting any form of physical retaliation; dark emotions oozing from her very being as the words were spoken.
"Yes?Thibor! Why is it that our elaborate threads weave once bring our beings together when you so rudely severed them."
Thibor the Cruel
He simply chuckled." Because whether you like it or not we are now irrevocably bound together. I have a piece of you and you have a piece of me but mostly my own curiosity brings you here." He could be infuriatingly calm when he had adequate chance for preparation. "Perhaps I acted hastily at the temple but you must realize that once awoken the battle rage and blood lust is not so easily put aside and your order baffled me and infuriated me at the same time. It still baffles me and that is why you are here." He gestured to a chair by one of the gas lit fireplaces." Sit. I'll join you. I'm not going to talk down to you. I'm going to speak with you on an equal footing so no thrones or audiences this time simply a conversation."
He clapped his hands and the beautiful slaves he had chosen to spare form his feeding pits stepped forth. They bore wine, fruit, flesh, blood, all manner of delicacies to indulge in if she so chose." Help yourself Xytrinah. Now to the point. Why? Why did you do it? Why did you spare her? I would not have shown such mercy. An enemy is an enemy, even an insignificant enemy. It is best to deal with them while they are at their most vulnerable lest they become powerful and rise up against you in the future."
He clapped his hands and the beautiful slaves he had chosen to spare form his feeding pits stepped forth. They bore wine, fruit, flesh, blood, all manner of delicacies to indulge in if she so chose." Help yourself Xytrinah. Now to the point. Why? Why did you do it? Why did you spare her? I would not have shown such mercy. An enemy is an enemy, even an insignificant enemy. It is best to deal with them while they are at their most vulnerable lest they become powerful and rise up against you in the future."
He plucked a small arm up from one of the golden trays that the slaves held. It was obviously the arm of an infant and he took it in his mouth and sucked the flesh from the bone with a hideous sucking sound. " I do not understand the why of it and that bothers me. I like knowing and I dislike severing ties to people I find worthwhile, even if they do display the occasional streak of mercy." He spat the word mercy out as if it were poison on his lips." So I give you this chance to explain yourself and tell me the why of it. Prove me wrong in what I said. Tell me you have some grand plan in all of this and it was not just a momentary show of weakness. I do want to be proven wrong in this instance. I gave you much of myself and it would pain me to think it was wasted."
He was still arrogant but there was a certain apologetic bend to his conversation. While Thibor was not one to apologize openly this was as close as he would ever get. He gestured almost idly towards the golden platter." Do you like it? The orcs are fine craftsmen and I have found a much richer mining site than any offered here. I dare say I will soon turn this backwards little armpit of a kingdom into one of the richest nations in the realm. You could partake in that triumph. I could lend my troops to your efforts once again if you so desire. I only ask that you make me understand. That is not so difficult is it?"
He was still arrogant but there was a certain apologetic bend to his conversation. While Thibor was not one to apologize openly this was as close as he would ever get. He gestured almost idly towards the golden platter." Do you like it? The orcs are fine craftsmen and I have found a much richer mining site than any offered here. I dare say I will soon turn this backwards little armpit of a kingdom into one of the richest nations in the realm. You could partake in that triumph. I could lend my troops to your efforts once again if you so desire. I only ask that you make me understand. That is not so difficult is it?"
He leaned forward expectantly." Well... I am all ears. Even if you don't accept me back into your good graces at least let me know that you will prove a worthy adversary in our future encounters." That was the way with Thibor. He saw equals as one of two things, allies or adversaries. There was no middle ground.
"Still I think that you would want me close by. you've tasted me, sampled my essence and I have sampled yours as well. I had no idea it would be so intoxicating. I've wanted more ever since that moment and I know you have too. I can feel it even when you are miles away I can feel it. Isn't it aggravating to be beholden to something that infuriates you? I was positively incensed when I got home and found that there was a gnawing in the pit of my stomach, not of hunger, well at least not in the physical sense. It was a longing to be near you, even after you had made such a foolish and weak decision. It cooled my temper and my blood and then I began to feel things. A hint of mercy but not benevolent mercy, tolerating mercy. The type of mercy one has for something that is about to die anyway. It was alien to me, unnatural but yet I craved the source. Your thoughts, your feelings Xytrinah. Explain them to me. Why? Tell me why."
He pounded his fist on the arm of the chair , shattering the gilt chaise wood with the force of the blow. He rubbed his hand apologetically." You see. I cannot reconcile them with my being. I do not understand them. I cannot fathom them and that is why they anger me so."
"Still I think that you would want me close by. you've tasted me, sampled my essence and I have sampled yours as well. I had no idea it would be so intoxicating. I've wanted more ever since that moment and I know you have too. I can feel it even when you are miles away I can feel it. Isn't it aggravating to be beholden to something that infuriates you? I was positively incensed when I got home and found that there was a gnawing in the pit of my stomach, not of hunger, well at least not in the physical sense. It was a longing to be near you, even after you had made such a foolish and weak decision. It cooled my temper and my blood and then I began to feel things. A hint of mercy but not benevolent mercy, tolerating mercy. The type of mercy one has for something that is about to die anyway. It was alien to me, unnatural but yet I craved the source. Your thoughts, your feelings Xytrinah. Explain them to me. Why? Tell me why."
He pounded his fist on the arm of the chair , shattering the gilt chaise wood with the force of the blow. He rubbed his hand apologetically." You see. I cannot reconcile them with my being. I do not understand them. I cannot fathom them and that is why they anger me so."
She stood there simply staring into his eyes, a sense of calmness bestowed over her features or that which could be interpreted as an unnerving tranquillity to others save for those like Thibor who wouldn't pay a second though to it. Though she simply listened to every word, every syllable and every sound without interrupting, the entireness of the situation filtering through her mind going over the events which had befallen this 'knot in the chain' so to speak. It was all quite intriguing- perhaps she should have been well acquainted with the Wamphyri mannerisms after having to deal with Radu and his family, plus the other acquaintances she has.
But the assumption in her plans for anyone would not be tolerated nonetheless no more than her moment of 'mercy' or empathy, feigned or not- nothing was ever as it seems with Xytrinah, and nothing could be determined or assumed that Thibor himself had his own complexities and quirks, perhaps even some which she sensed unknowingly, she would be the first to admit that she was somewhat ignorant when it came to the Wamphyri. Radu had always been so vague and that was something only time could correct and possibly the patience of a saint which alas she did not have.
But with all respects, Thibor did speak some truths that she could not deny, and would have to consider them before allowing herself the leisure to retort to his statements and questions, however she would be standing them like a statue in moments of silence; had he completed his reasoning and questions, words would already plume towards his senses. Nothing was certain, the events obscure to reflect upon in regards to the one whom was shown a moment of mercy or what was seen as compassion, that was far from the truth; all would be revealed in mere moments.
For now the anticipation of the moment would be allowed to linger longer than what she would usually permit; just to absorb the decadent surroundings. Getting a sense for the place to find her footing, Xytrinah was never one to just stumble into another's territory without knowing something of its surroundings and emanations. It was an uncomfortable feeling knowing this was a strange place to her, his race extremely obscure to her and the entire situation had her blood simmering, and more so since Thibor acted nonchalant to it.
Perhaps he insulted others often, it was all part of the Wamphyri way, that could not go unrecognized, could she expect him to act any different just because of who she was. A tickle of the ego that would render most ashamed to look one straight within the eyes. In that audacious self-reflection dark revelations would spill forth and reveal just how dissident her mood truly was with the poisonous and virescence of those black eyes which gyrated with opalesque ophidian that beamed with the furore of asphodel; like golden crescent moons gibbous hung by the hallows of oblivion and darkness. Seething oracles of wrath and abhorrence or simply the voids of all the bitter torments of plundered warriors screaming for release.
But the assumption in her plans for anyone would not be tolerated nonetheless no more than her moment of 'mercy' or empathy, feigned or not- nothing was ever as it seems with Xytrinah, and nothing could be determined or assumed that Thibor himself had his own complexities and quirks, perhaps even some which she sensed unknowingly, she would be the first to admit that she was somewhat ignorant when it came to the Wamphyri. Radu had always been so vague and that was something only time could correct and possibly the patience of a saint which alas she did not have.
But with all respects, Thibor did speak some truths that she could not deny, and would have to consider them before allowing herself the leisure to retort to his statements and questions, however she would be standing them like a statue in moments of silence; had he completed his reasoning and questions, words would already plume towards his senses. Nothing was certain, the events obscure to reflect upon in regards to the one whom was shown a moment of mercy or what was seen as compassion, that was far from the truth; all would be revealed in mere moments.
For now the anticipation of the moment would be allowed to linger longer than what she would usually permit; just to absorb the decadent surroundings. Getting a sense for the place to find her footing, Xytrinah was never one to just stumble into another's territory without knowing something of its surroundings and emanations. It was an uncomfortable feeling knowing this was a strange place to her, his race extremely obscure to her and the entire situation had her blood simmering, and more so since Thibor acted nonchalant to it.
Perhaps he insulted others often, it was all part of the Wamphyri way, that could not go unrecognized, could she expect him to act any different just because of who she was. A tickle of the ego that would render most ashamed to look one straight within the eyes. In that audacious self-reflection dark revelations would spill forth and reveal just how dissident her mood truly was with the poisonous and virescence of those black eyes which gyrated with opalesque ophidian that beamed with the furore of asphodel; like golden crescent moons gibbous hung by the hallows of oblivion and darkness. Seething oracles of wrath and abhorrence or simply the voids of all the bitter torments of plundered warriors screaming for release.
The pleasantries were a novelty, the array of such succulent delicious banquets laid out so enticingly that perhaps if she was fickle enough to partake in pastimes of self-indulgence in the heat of the moment would render her as weak in her own eyes. Instead Xytrinah would chose to stand and not sit in the comfort of a place where she felt uncomfortable, and perhaps Thibor's ire had undulated as rapidly as it had been expressed hers had not, in fact her very teeth grinded against hidden incisors to create that sharp pinched sound behind opiate lips.
Harlequin-shimmering orbs moving towards the plate of the finest of qualities before again moving to examine the Lord enjoying the leisure of his Aerie as burning cinders set ablaze within demonic lances now mimicking the very voidic fires; erupting in optical conflagration within the slant pupils of her eyes but composure would be sustained for the moment. She was no barbarian, nor an animal and would not act so in the manner to be discourteous in the face of his hospitality, but she would accept nothing to cause a sweeter disposition to dance upon her tongue. In all realization she had never before discussed her outcomes of felt she had the need to explain herself, none had ever dared to question her before this volatile event.
Harlequin-shimmering orbs moving towards the plate of the finest of qualities before again moving to examine the Lord enjoying the leisure of his Aerie as burning cinders set ablaze within demonic lances now mimicking the very voidic fires; erupting in optical conflagration within the slant pupils of her eyes but composure would be sustained for the moment. She was no barbarian, nor an animal and would not act so in the manner to be discourteous in the face of his hospitality, but she would accept nothing to cause a sweeter disposition to dance upon her tongue. In all realization she had never before discussed her outcomes of felt she had the need to explain herself, none had ever dared to question her before this volatile event.
The plate would be pushed back towards him, perhaps in a forceful gesture to not insult her with petty pleasures and simply get down to business- always blunt to the point of being tactless.
"There is only one reason why I went back on my initial command and that was simply what challenge was she to slaughter with forces that were unnecessary. Why waste the energy on a being so insignificant that her existence on this planet is superseded and obsolete; she bears no power, nothing to consume with the glory of thy name. Why stain my name with a kill that cannot be stated as glorious but the very profanity on everything I have ever accomplished through many centuries, why allow that to be erased by a foolish action or command over a silly little girl who bears nothing on your or my existence. Or did she too deny you, hm? The lust for the kill wanes in my heart for what is no challenge becomes a chore, a boorish deed that doesn't lead to honor or self-satisfaction. Her head is not worthy of a trophy nor is her name placed under a belt of warriors worthy whom had fallen to my blade. I did not show her mercy. I saved my name from being ridiculed for resorting to murdering worthless whores and unborn children for the simply sake of them being there. It was not a necessity, for my survival or to that of yours. I was infuriated because of the enduring ritual I had performed and the energies imbalanced because much had yet to be released- as you know ritual practice conjures a lot of energy that has no means to being vented other than temper or by other means of release, I gave the only option which is open to me. I did not act on mercy, initially I lacked rational judgment."
A slight pause would entail as those burning eyes moved over towards servants, slowly scanning any other occupants in the close proximity of company. His fist hitting against the table would replay within that calculating mind causing a slender brow to rise over the pallid-alabaster features of her brow where long strands of ravenesque hair to cascade over left eye which still burned beneath the veil of silken cascades.
"I don't expect the likes of you to understand or grant your seal of approval in anything that I do, you could have just as easily killed her and not listened to a rash command given. Kill the bitch yourself, instead your path was in leaving so rashly, didn't give me concerns to pursue you, you made your thoughts on my demeanour quite plain, as usual, and I clearly understood and I will not beg you forgiveness because that will belittle us both. I acted as any warrior would have; when there is little else to possess and cherish, it is my own company which warms me during solitude, what else would there be left if that was taken from me, and in that action I could not live with myself because I have been shamed. But, then- all I did was allowing her to speak and confront me to grant me a challenge instead of run. How can anyone take pride in that Thibor? When they pride themselves in war like I have done in the past and still do. It has been my existence it is all I have to show and all I have to give. I can kill for pleasure, but also what pleasure can I find in this insignificant rodent that I haven't experienced already a million times over, Nothing surprises me anymore for everything I see before it eventuates- her demise is nothing but a speck of dust already floating in the universe Thibor, unnoticed; nothing but a speck of dust to collide against the blizzard-fangs of winter where as the likes of you and I burn like suns simply from the fervour of something to obtain power from. I do crave power, it is a thirst never quenched regardless of how I obtain it, but the death of one dick-swinging weakling doesn't appetize me. Her death did not appeal to me, it did not stir me. Again, kill the cunt yourself if it means so much."
Taking a step forward leaning in closer to him, close enough to be nothing but a breath away, piquant breath breezing over his features as she asked him a question of her own?
'Now, does that answers your questions?"
Thibor the Cruel
He did not shirk back from her, perhaps she expected him to. He had noticed that she was unused to anyone doing anything other than give in to her commands and to obey her without question. Thibor was not one of those types. Instead he too leaned forward, his head slipping to the left ever so slightly to allow him to whisper in her ear, his hot breathe falling upon that delicate convolution like a caress. He was as close to her as he possibly could be without actually touching her and his tone was almost erotic in it's delicacy and purring undertones.
" Yes I rather think it does. Still I would not have toyed with her like that. I would have killed her and been done with it. You seek amusement in killing I kill to survive for survival is the ultimate ideology my dear." Now he stood slowly, flowing upwards from the chair and she would have to step back or be caught up next to him. His broad muscular form was in stark contrast to her lithe delicacy and he bobbed like a cobra as he switched from one ear to the other and continued in his soft purring voice.
" Still I think that as much as my overt disagreement infuriated you you also respect it otherwise you wouldn't have even bothered to show up. You are surrounded by sniveling little dogs and though they are loyal they have no backbone. If you say that they are fools they will shake their heads in agreement rather than risk angering you. I am not your lap dog Xytrinah. I am your equal and I have the luxury of being able to disagree with you. The real question is does that aspect of me excite you or infuriate you or both?"
" Yes I rather think it does. Still I would not have toyed with her like that. I would have killed her and been done with it. You seek amusement in killing I kill to survive for survival is the ultimate ideology my dear." Now he stood slowly, flowing upwards from the chair and she would have to step back or be caught up next to him. His broad muscular form was in stark contrast to her lithe delicacy and he bobbed like a cobra as he switched from one ear to the other and continued in his soft purring voice.
" Still I think that as much as my overt disagreement infuriated you you also respect it otherwise you wouldn't have even bothered to show up. You are surrounded by sniveling little dogs and though they are loyal they have no backbone. If you say that they are fools they will shake their heads in agreement rather than risk angering you. I am not your lap dog Xytrinah. I am your equal and I have the luxury of being able to disagree with you. The real question is does that aspect of me excite you or infuriate you or both?"
He began to pace around her like a stalking predator, his voice never rising above it's hushed, sepulchral, whisper." My loyalty to you is not the question here. I am loyal enough to tell you that I think you made a foolish decision rather than let you fall by it. Perhaps I overreacted in my withdrawal but that is the way I am. We Wamphyri are creatures of impetuousness and rashness. Perhaps you found me insulting but honest none the less. What will you do now Atra? will you seek to punish me for my 'impudence'? I am not one of your lap dogs and I am not beholden to you for anything other than your hospitality to me while I guested with you. I have given you much. I have given you power in the form of that little trinket which I bet you even now carry with you. I have given you wealth beyond the wildest dreams of most monarchs. If anything you should offer me recompense but I do not ask for that. You and I are without a doubt the two most powerful beings in this realm. You know it and I know it. This fact attracts us to one another while simultaneously putting us at odds. You don't want me as an enemy. I can feel it even smell it on you."
He stopped and took a deep breathe, taking in her scent through his convoluted and almost bat like nostrils." Yes. You are angry but I think it is the anger of a bruised ego for that is all I have injured of yours. It will pass I assure you. I know this because we are both creatures of extremes you and I. We hover on the upper ends of every spectrum and we cannot deny our passions whatever they may be." Now his smile was serpentine in it's calculating seductiveness and he stepped back around to face her.
He stopped and took a deep breathe, taking in her scent through his convoluted and almost bat like nostrils." Yes. You are angry but I think it is the anger of a bruised ego for that is all I have injured of yours. It will pass I assure you. I know this because we are both creatures of extremes you and I. We hover on the upper ends of every spectrum and we cannot deny our passions whatever they may be." Now his smile was serpentine in it's calculating seductiveness and he stepped back around to face her.
"If you wanted me dead or punished you wouldn't even be here so why are you really here?" He was beginning to take things apart and look at them with the same scrutiny he applied to reality when he codified it for his Equation." Is it because our shared essence pulls so strongly? Perhaps I was right and you do want more just as I do? How will you have it though that is the question. I brought you here to answer my questions and so you have but now you present more of them by your very presence. We may be here for quite some time sorting this all out. Perhaps I can offer you some accommodations and allow you to guest with me for a time. I still owe you for your hospitality."
He had managed to take a tense meeting and turn it into something else entirely. He wasn't sure what yet but her reactions would give him hints on how to proceed.
He had managed to take a tense meeting and turn it into something else entirely. He wasn't sure what yet but her reactions would give him hints on how to proceed.
A coward would have stepped back, and certainly she did not expect Thibor would do anything but recoil; for both were antagonists, and perhaps would always be not only to those outside of this dark, perfect haven but also to each other. Forever testing that which measured them with respect, admiration and attraction; the intricate dance like great serpents encircling and rearing to strike but knowing that the other's venoms were just as potent and fatal. Perchance this was an element of that explicit magnetism so finely tuned like the seductive notes of violin-strings and hushed breaths twixt heated caresses of lovers in the acts of hungered, yearning passion.
That piquant breath in the moment of confrontation, up close and definitely personal; the charnel arts of fragrant lust to kiss along those frozen landscapes, to excite the bleak advance of a Devil who never eventuated simply by chance; a plume of demoting breath stroking against that slender neck like a lone charm to send a spinal chill along the length of precious contours...exhalations on the prowl like a flag for truce or emotions enflamed for rival. To tease in what could be a dynastic union, and possibly beget them further insanities to endure as maniac's liberated to challenge the other simply for the sport or the viciousness upon conjugal bed littered with aphrodisiacs from such incensed moments in which to provoke, test, tease, endure...seduce.
That piquant breath in the moment of confrontation, up close and definitely personal; the charnel arts of fragrant lust to kiss along those frozen landscapes, to excite the bleak advance of a Devil who never eventuated simply by chance; a plume of demoting breath stroking against that slender neck like a lone charm to send a spinal chill along the length of precious contours...exhalations on the prowl like a flag for truce or emotions enflamed for rival. To tease in what could be a dynastic union, and possibly beget them further insanities to endure as maniac's liberated to challenge the other simply for the sport or the viciousness upon conjugal bed littered with aphrodisiacs from such incensed moments in which to provoke, test, tease, endure...seduce.
Tempered by the craft of such a silver-tipped tongue, smooth and sly- with fluid grace Thibor stood and yes forms would have collided for her stance would remain unmoved, not stepping back in that moment as his height would tower somewhat above hers and that muscular form making that of hers look miniscule in significance. In that moment contact would have been made as whispered words graced her other ear, stroking upon that area in a tantalizing plumes, though those tempered, burning eyes would scan askance to look towards his direction, somewhat as unmoving as her form except for those fiery embers brewing in demonic evisceratrixation.
Instead of stepping back, another would be ushered forth to push against Thibor as he leaned down to whisper words in response to her ambitioned retorts motivated by the answered question and retort to statements spoken. By cold stares like Mars maligned against the eternities of oblivion and darkness, baneful as if to eclipse the brunt of the storm as nightmares crawled from the pits of mind and essence to ooze out onto his perpetual being. Allowing those electrical and burning energies to exhume through pores of flesh and the filmy hues of that sheer ebony gossamer which was all that rested twixt resplendent quintessence and flesh; allowing those electric fiery charges to emit towards his being.
Ephemeral tentacles to lash against the atmosphere to cause those sparks to crackling like sharpened turrets of splintered glass raking against exposed contours in shard-pronged caress resembling extracted claws raking along the landscapes of spine and thigh...ember-needles skewed like lovers at first bite. Flesh pressed in ballet, tornado's of energies lashing together as the ether vented in wintry spite yet also burned with the fervour of desert summer's. Such caprice as honors leashed to bind those elaborate threads like no declaration could proclaim them unwoven; his words inspiring such silver-threads of enchanted thought.
To bind those knots which had separated them in the heat of their little disagreement and remain that as an obstacle in which not to cross- to press her form closer against his in the intricate dance of these two step another closer was not possible, every motion he would make Atra'Lamia would feel, but so would Thibor. Each curve and rise of feminine landscapes to provoke his yearning even deeper so to explore exactly what he had stated. To taste more, certainly the energies were there with fangs of fire and ice. Such fine thresholds barricaded the experiences of both pleasure and pain, so elaborate and so inviting, revering those sensations to darkly seized in the spur of this interesting moment where both violated the others personal space, an area Atra never allowed anyone to cross unless it was simply an exchange of affection only reserved for a very "select" few and never mused her desire for lust.
Ephemeral tentacles to lash against the atmosphere to cause those sparks to crackling like sharpened turrets of splintered glass raking against exposed contours in shard-pronged caress resembling extracted claws raking along the landscapes of spine and thigh...ember-needles skewed like lovers at first bite. Flesh pressed in ballet, tornado's of energies lashing together as the ether vented in wintry spite yet also burned with the fervour of desert summer's. Such caprice as honors leashed to bind those elaborate threads like no declaration could proclaim them unwoven; his words inspiring such silver-threads of enchanted thought.
To bind those knots which had separated them in the heat of their little disagreement and remain that as an obstacle in which not to cross- to press her form closer against his in the intricate dance of these two step another closer was not possible, every motion he would make Atra'Lamia would feel, but so would Thibor. Each curve and rise of feminine landscapes to provoke his yearning even deeper so to explore exactly what he had stated. To taste more, certainly the energies were there with fangs of fire and ice. Such fine thresholds barricaded the experiences of both pleasure and pain, so elaborate and so inviting, revering those sensations to darkly seized in the spur of this interesting moment where both violated the others personal space, an area Atra never allowed anyone to cross unless it was simply an exchange of affection only reserved for a very "select" few and never mused her desire for lust.
Poisoned nectars within stirred, such feverous desires and morbid purpose to not only seduce but to assail his very flesh with that exact temper which still boiled in her archaic veins. Usher erotic ardent embraces over pallid flesh, dark vermillion lips in lustrous overture advancing to snare flesh like the usher of dreams to taint the nightmare from a sunless ether and render it to the temperate glades of crimson. The bloodletting moonlight as pearled Luna shone through the cobwebbed drapery; celestial knives to eviscerate priapic lovers in a twisted concert were feral hordes spawned to wrath, lust and desire.
Thibor danced around the situation exactly like the predator he was and that to which Xytrinah "knew" he was, after all his energies coaxed through her so surely not only would she feel his energies somewhat, Thibor would certainly know what coursed through her; an exchange somewhat of mutual interests and perhaps something more...walking around her leisurely after suggestive breaths upon her ear and neck would have his form away from hers. And that would procure a slight smirk over her lips for his omnipotent vivacity had indeed proven what she had always suspected. Xytrinah knew the serpent of temptation, like the crafty one whom had tempted Eve to bare all her virtues and simply drop them for one moment of selfish satisfaction to revel in the simply bite of such a forbidden fruit.
Yes, she knew this of the Wamphyri all to well; his words were spoken in truth, they were certainly articulate in being blunt but also beguiling that suggestive purr of hidden undertones. This was surely a game of burlesque innuendo's and strategic motives in which to extract information or to relish in more personal, closer. Pleasures in less obscure hidden meanings...but there was also no rush in taking a bite of that forbidden fruit being every so suggestively dangled before the other.
Thibor danced around the situation exactly like the predator he was and that to which Xytrinah "knew" he was, after all his energies coaxed through her so surely not only would she feel his energies somewhat, Thibor would certainly know what coursed through her; an exchange somewhat of mutual interests and perhaps something more...walking around her leisurely after suggestive breaths upon her ear and neck would have his form away from hers. And that would procure a slight smirk over her lips for his omnipotent vivacity had indeed proven what she had always suspected. Xytrinah knew the serpent of temptation, like the crafty one whom had tempted Eve to bare all her virtues and simply drop them for one moment of selfish satisfaction to revel in the simply bite of such a forbidden fruit.
Yes, she knew this of the Wamphyri all to well; his words were spoken in truth, they were certainly articulate in being blunt but also beguiling that suggestive purr of hidden undertones. This was surely a game of burlesque innuendo's and strategic motives in which to extract information or to relish in more personal, closer. Pleasures in less obscure hidden meanings...but there was also no rush in taking a bite of that forbidden fruit being every so suggestively dangled before the other.
In circling around her, she would pivot gracefully, purposely positioning herself in which to be right up and personal, head rising to address him directly. Burning eyes like fiery crescents still flaring like embers in devilish rhapsody; that electric needle-spired energy rippling simply to caress the epitome and his form far more intimately than any lips or touch could ever possibly inspire. This would be matched ten fold- like lashing electrical surges or incorporeal chains of erubescent razors symphonically slicing need-fires of her own temptations. Not a word would be spoken of it; after all actions always speak louder than words or the exchange of energy for energy.
Grant him that wish to imbibe more- to taste such sweet sacred ambrosia to rent the lips in a rupture of bliss, awash on those perfidious shores of euphoria. What perverse strategy will wend its way from such a rousing disease. Silhouettes imprinted on the walls like bred shadows at play, twining like those very venomous serpents within the overture of candlelight where fires were fed and such chaos awoken. Scythed revelations like a cruel erotic plague- neither her or Thibor would wane from the others power and thirst. So what would be done about this little dilemma? His stance towards her, did virtue birth the ideal consort? A Pandora's Box of both evil and darkness...or a somewhat twisted form of hope? Time would tell, and all would be revealed in its own due time, though why not entices its certainty to coalesce and forsake the cerements of chaste. To feast upon the banquet like Gods; such tantalizing thoughts which would be interrupted by the salacious, seductive, sultry, sirenous cadence which Xytrinah possessed just as much as Thibor.
Grant him that wish to imbibe more- to taste such sweet sacred ambrosia to rent the lips in a rupture of bliss, awash on those perfidious shores of euphoria. What perverse strategy will wend its way from such a rousing disease. Silhouettes imprinted on the walls like bred shadows at play, twining like those very venomous serpents within the overture of candlelight where fires were fed and such chaos awoken. Scythed revelations like a cruel erotic plague- neither her or Thibor would wane from the others power and thirst. So what would be done about this little dilemma? His stance towards her, did virtue birth the ideal consort? A Pandora's Box of both evil and darkness...or a somewhat twisted form of hope? Time would tell, and all would be revealed in its own due time, though why not entices its certainty to coalesce and forsake the cerements of chaste. To feast upon the banquet like Gods; such tantalizing thoughts which would be interrupted by the salacious, seductive, sultry, sirenous cadence which Xytrinah possessed just as much as Thibor.
Incisors would bite against the sweet flesh to lips, whilst an elongated left-hand fingernail ascended towards his lips to still them. Soft flesh pressed against his lips as her svelte body stepped closer. Bodice soon gracing against his torso, hips slightly taking a more relaxed position, finger would still remain against his lips as her head remained lowered slightly examining his build. Drinking in every detail before slowly allowing chin to ascend to chest level and then leisurely ascending to allow eye to eye contact- allowing her grandeur to be noted as Xytrinah looked up towards him. Finger would slowly move from his lips before a gesture of shaking it at him, a "tisk tisk" sound hissing past pinched lip twixt ivory fangs caused by the vibration of thorax influence and the click of tongue. Dark vermillion lips widening in a more suggestive smile which would cause her statuesque features to illuminate with radiance...
"I never looked down upon you, in fact your every word is nothing but bile. I have so many other...more interesting intrigues to pursue than yours. Perhaps next time you will care to correct an error you believe I have made, challenge it in fact if you will it instead of turning away muttering stale you do now and expect me to sip it like honeyed-wine. If you consider me as an equal and I do act disaccording to your ethics I am sure you have enough steam in you to make me see your point of view, because right now all I hear is exactly that, hot wind. Now, in a more upfront and personal manner than simply vocalizing them as if not to be heard and then allowing me to form my own permanent solution based on the fervour or the moment. We are not novices, but we could be adversaries, what a challenge that would be...."
A small step closer would break any distance left, if any had remained- if not then her form would push against his, ascended hand would move back to her lithe side as she continued to speak...
"I have never been ungrateful of what you have given me in return for a simply act of hospitality, you have repaid me a hundred times over, that was never denied. As for my lap dog? I am not quite sure when I have attempted to lead you on a leash and feed you kibble. You throw stale words in attempt to wound me like rubber darts. It's beneath you, and certainly beneath me. Why do you have to be so boring, Thibor?"
A gentle inhalation would be made, imbibing in those energies which sparked around his form. The burning fragrance as electrical impulses whipped against the atmosphere. That scent more radiant and intoxicating than sight, that excess far nobler than abstinence and pride more potent than meekness, such tyrannies of sweet darkness flowing through both forms in an almost reverberating undulation and fluctuation. Her tarantelle caress woven accentuating all those dread diversions- opalesque orbs shifting constantly, reflecting the extremities of madness and the very artisque spheres of twin suns in every expanded radiance as if the burning wings of the immortal phoenix in cosmic fall.
Silence falling twixt the ticks of time before further words would befall. Slender form would push upwards, placing her upon more of a stance upon en pointe to bring herself higher. Allowing that soft inhalation to draw in his very scent just towards the left of his neck, opiate lips in feathered touch would release whispered exhalations with each soft-muted intonation; her voice barely flung upon a whisper.
"My ego will heal...but will yours? You seem wounded, do you require a bandaid? Remember, it is in our actions that we learn, and the mistakes and triumphs we endure simply because it is a vice of knowledge and understanding. If I wanted you dead or punished? Yes I would be here, right where I am standing, for it is my own hand that smites those I consider as enemies. Is it not amusingly stimulating to be at odds and yet....morbidly attracted, at least on your behalf for I am unmoved. You are not nor likely rhe last to be here. Is it not entertaining and exciting to not push that essence just....a little....further, for are not the most vile venoms and poisons the most delicious to imbibe and experience in the throes of demise? Shall we take it just a little step...further, because if you do not wish for it, then shut your fucking mouth."
Silence falling twixt the ticks of time before further words would befall. Slender form would push upwards, placing her upon more of a stance upon en pointe to bring herself higher. Allowing that soft inhalation to draw in his very scent just towards the left of his neck, opiate lips in feathered touch would release whispered exhalations with each soft-muted intonation; her voice barely flung upon a whisper.
"My ego will heal...but will yours? You seem wounded, do you require a bandaid? Remember, it is in our actions that we learn, and the mistakes and triumphs we endure simply because it is a vice of knowledge and understanding. If I wanted you dead or punished? Yes I would be here, right where I am standing, for it is my own hand that smites those I consider as enemies. Is it not amusingly stimulating to be at odds and yet....morbidly attracted, at least on your behalf for I am unmoved. You are not nor likely rhe last to be here. Is it not entertaining and exciting to not push that essence just....a little....further, for are not the most vile venoms and poisons the most delicious to imbibe and experience in the throes of demise? Shall we take it just a little step...further, because if you do not wish for it, then shut your fucking mouth."
Thibor the Cruel
Her every movement held the same seductively predatory artistry as his own and once more he was left to wonder whether her lineage did indeed include the blood of his kind. The strange skew of their forms, his obvious physical power and strength against her seemingly delicate and fragile body belied the equality of their individual might. He still spoke in hushed tones as if to speak above a whisper would shatter the delicate enchantment that held these two powers at bay. " And as I said you owe me nothing for these trinkets. Mere baubles in comparison to the power I could give you and the power that we both wield. Still you seem to make an interesting proposal. What further step do you have in mind? Perhaps you seek a closer alliance." With these words his powerful hand fell upon the small delicate curve of her back where she stood tippee-toe against him. His eyes never once left hers as they stared at her in defiance, his hand simultaneously supporting her elevated stance and capturing her against him. It was but a fraction of his physical strength, a caged brutality lay just beneath the skin in those tightly coiled metamorphic muscles.
He leaned in towards her, peering into those abyssal orbs that stared so defiantly back at him. His lips hovered mere fractions of a centimeter above hers, close enough that she could feel the ripples of every movement and taste the blood still upon his breathe. An exhalation of death that he knew she would revel in." Or perhaps you just want an opponent? Do you suggest we engage in a game? One against the other just to keep the centuries interesting? Who is to say we can't have both? Ahhh but isn't that the trick in all indulgences? finding a way to satiate them all at once." He smiled, his amber eyes beginning to turn their hellish red as her proximity stirred the lustful nature within him." We both have our lusts that we indulge in. I don't mean the petty pleasures of the flesh, though this situation moves me to interesting speculation. I refer to our neverending grasp for power. I will not stop until I have elevated myself to the first truly omniscient and omnipotent god in this multiverse. I imagine that you want much the same. Oh you have your worshipers and those who call you goddess but like me whatever you have is never quite enough is it?" The serpentine length of his long forked tongue licked out over his lips as if the very thought of so much power stirred a hunger within him that could not be denied. It also served the dual purpose of decreasing the space between them further in that brief moment that he allowed it to slither forth.
He simply held her there against him further encroaching upon her personal space and pushing the boundary further and further." I think you are enough like me in your quest for power that you don't believe that you should have to choose. I certainly don't. I'd much rather have my honey and my heart at the same time. I don't see why I cannot have it all Atra and why should you not have the same? I have great plans for this new kingdom. I have the military might and I will soon have the money to expand wherever I wish. If I cannot have it outright then I will have it through other channels. If I have my way I will extend my influence to every corner of this godforsaken realm and then beyond that. Of course we both want the same thing and simply put we can't both have it. At least not all of it. I suppose that is where the game comes in. Once we have seized this world we can play with our baubles as we see fit. Wouldn't that be a grand design? Oh I know your summoned demon has plans of his own as well but I hardly think he would pose much of a threat to us if we decided to unite our strength." A deep inhalation pressed his chest more firmly against her and the seductive purring tone came back to his voice.
" Our union could be a powerful thing Xytrinah if you so wished it. Then once we have it all who is to stop us from playing our own game to keep ourselves amused? I know what I want and I intend to have it with or without you though as I said I would rather have my heart and my honey at the same time."
" Our union could be a powerful thing Xytrinah if you so wished it. Then once we have it all who is to stop us from playing our own game to keep ourselves amused? I know what I want and I intend to have it with or without you though as I said I would rather have my heart and my honey at the same time."
"I don't wish it". She motioned closer yet as that hand graced the small of her back- though at his very touch more ripples of that piercing shard energy would be felt. Urging flesh to quiver in a more suggestive manner- licking along extending digits as they curved around to stroke against such a perfect arch smothered by those long tresses of obsidian mantle cascading behind that luscious form. Bodice pressed hard against his form. Again pushing back against his and surely neither of these decadent creatures were going to submit to the other or allow the other to dominate the situation so indeed a compromising situation had developed, perhaps one not so tempered with anger but something else more sexually incendiary and challenging.
Dominating presences soothing and stimulating; almost their breath danced in spiralling tango as the other spoke, exuberating in the instantaneous game as chess pieces were placed. His hand had touched her, but nothing which would have inspired that wrath to unleash, as innocent as it was upon contact, after all it was only simply her back- why get touchy about something so miniscule and inconsequential? This was not simply a moment of seduction intricate in all its succulent hors d'oeuvres- seduction was only something to manipulate to win the battle of wills and it had never gone that step beyond, never the barriers breached to encourage such a tangible and yet licentious scheme of obtaining their desires which seemed to seep and leach from the most deepest rapacious desires.
Dominating presences soothing and stimulating; almost their breath danced in spiralling tango as the other spoke, exuberating in the instantaneous game as chess pieces were placed. His hand had touched her, but nothing which would have inspired that wrath to unleash, as innocent as it was upon contact, after all it was only simply her back- why get touchy about something so miniscule and inconsequential? This was not simply a moment of seduction intricate in all its succulent hors d'oeuvres- seduction was only something to manipulate to win the battle of wills and it had never gone that step beyond, never the barriers breached to encourage such a tangible and yet licentious scheme of obtaining their desires which seemed to seep and leach from the most deepest rapacious desires.
At his inching closer so too would she move, piquant exchanges soft breath gracing the others , the taste of blood and darker appetites waltzing for the other to revel in. Conflictive energies in razor-sharp emanation would increase to more a more escalated elation- impietic secretions in nefarious emissions crept steadily towards his own essence and persona;. A creeping, slithering feeling emitted from simply touching such soft...smooth... untouched flesh. Surely such indulgences were yet to be explored. Such a pure sense was emitting from sensational and lurid insinuation; an intimate posture.
Draped upon his form as if hinting to some other form of proposal not yet spoken, or simply hidden in the glib of mellifluous vernacular exchanges. It was then that her hands would ascend from betwixt their forms. Palms coming to rest just above his abdomen, alleviate, gilding in ascension with palms against and slender digits slightly splayed to experience further tastes of brusque energies. Brute force that only aspired those hands to travel inch by inch over his chest until they would arrive breaking the upper regions from contact simply by allowing her hands to rest between them.
Draped upon his form as if hinting to some other form of proposal not yet spoken, or simply hidden in the glib of mellifluous vernacular exchanges. It was then that her hands would ascend from betwixt their forms. Palms coming to rest just above his abdomen, alleviate, gilding in ascension with palms against and slender digits slightly splayed to experience further tastes of brusque energies. Brute force that only aspired those hands to travel inch by inch over his chest until they would arrive breaking the upper regions from contact simply by allowing her hands to rest between them.
Then allowing those slender hips to motion against his, as if changing her standing position to the other hip- though of course extremely suggestive in exchanging simply body weight. Thibor would feel that exact motion just tempt that bit further all the while appearing obsolete or oblivious to the fact. It would be then that scalpel sharp nails would pin against his attire, such a sharp caress which would shred fabrics with little ease or provocation. Even the sound would emit of a slight tearing sound, that should his attire be that of any normal fabric and not armour, they would easily slice and cut their way into his very flesh before slowly trailing down once again from torso to naval, all the while nails gracing along fabric or now shredded frayed remnants as she retorted in kind and with all the seductive tones and harmony to that which was bequeathed to her by the very essence of her maternal heritage; the Elder One of seduction and desire.
"Ah! Well with the intricacies of the moment and with what the future may behold for those of the likes of you and I, and who have the misfortune of being branded as enemies, I am sure the playground is large enough for us to share! My thirst for power equals yours, this is true, and our egos are bound to collide won't that be a delicious experience to taste the others wrath so... delectably? My summoned demon as you call him may have his own plans but I am sure he is soothing his tastes with whatever he desires first. Some men cannot exist long without the adorning consummation of a consort or two- some men burn fiercer than any sun when they see an object they want, but cannot have. I wonder what that is like to want, to crave, all the while knowing you cannot have must be rather exasperating? Would you not agree?"
The word 'exasperating' would be hissed in a lustful purr, trailing off back into the harmony of her rich Saathan based accent with an oppulent Romanianesque tongue. Providing that further essence of enigmatic mystique. With a slight nodded motion, it would be the first time she answered his offering to acquire lodgings for some period of time in which to delve into this situation at her own pace without disruption from any outside influences.
"Yes, perhaps I shall accept your offer and remain here, for a short time, after all, you had accepted my hospitality in providing you with accommodation and temporary lodgings and your mention of games and how we should spend our centuries has acquainted my, undying interest. Perchance this time I may gain understanding of your ways and you of my ways, means and methods... but surely our relations will not be all business, hopefully something else may become of it."
The last would seem to pose as a question although it would be more of a rhetorical question, for much already eventuated in her mind that simply would not be swayed by anything outside of her will and desire... indeed for that taste of something more.
Thibor the Cruel
Her touch stoked the hellish fires of desire deep within him, his eyes reflecting those fires in their reddish tint. His powerful hand rose from his side to brush an errant strand of hair from her face before letting those powerful digits caress across the cytherian perfection of her features, his thumb falling upon her lips while it's brethren rested delicately about her throat. It was a possessive touch, one claiming her though no conquest had been made.
There was none other worthy of having her and so Thibor staked his claim. the shredding of soft leather and the caress of nails across his flesh lit white hot fires to dance against his nerves. The physical closeness, the erotic touch of their bodies was exhilarating but the arching exchange between their metaphysical selves was positively intoxicating. Desire lent it's energy to each of their arcane selves, supercharging those conduits and giving birth to an intricate seduction of energy that mirrored their own seduction in the real world. He positively purred with the sensation of it all and it was a long moment before he could muster the will to speak.
There was none other worthy of having her and so Thibor staked his claim. the shredding of soft leather and the caress of nails across his flesh lit white hot fires to dance against his nerves. The physical closeness, the erotic touch of their bodies was exhilarating but the arching exchange between their metaphysical selves was positively intoxicating. Desire lent it's energy to each of their arcane selves, supercharging those conduits and giving birth to an intricate seduction of energy that mirrored their own seduction in the real world. He positively purred with the sensation of it all and it was a long moment before he could muster the will to speak.
"There is much of you I wish to taste besides simply your wrath. I've had but a sample and now I wish for the rest my dear Xytrinah." Such a simple word my and yet so powerfully intoned in that instance. Whether she chose to remain was her decision, it had to be of her own free will but for the moment she belonged to him as surely as he himself was in her grasp." I suppose that we can share the playground. Indeed we could share a great many things you and I. I have never had anything out of my reach Xytrinah and my brilliance is not contingent upon a desire unattainable. I think you will find I burn as hotly when I have what I want as when I am seeking it." Fire, heat, such suggestive words he used and purposefully too. Every word spoken had a purpose.
His thumb traced across her lips as he leaned ever so slightly forward, as if he might dare to kiss her. Not yet though. Time enough for such things when the time itself was right Thibor was enjoying this part of the game far too much to let it slip away just yet. The purity of her flesh stirred a desire within him to be the first, to leave his stamp upon her and thus truly posses her. Therein lay the danger for in such a possession one had to always give of themselves. Like two enemies grasping each other's throats, neither one willing to let go. Even that vivid image was something to revel in. Xytrinah was an equal, someone he could enjoy pitting his wits against no matter what strange evolution their relationship underwent. Creatures like them could never have anything normal. The normal and the mundane did not suffice to keep their appetites satiated. a union of opposites was far more interesting. Lovers and opponents, that would be something.
" I am honored that you will guest with me Xytrinah and I assure you I will not bore you with business too long." Thibor let his thumb fall from her lips, brushing over her chin and along the delicate line of her throat. He could crush it like a grape right now if he so chose but that wasn't his intention. Closer and closer , the already short distance between them becoming shorter still by degrees almost too minuscule to measure but certainly enough to be felt." I'm sure that something more...stimulating can be arranged." It was then that the invisible barriers of restraint were let slip. His hand held the back of her neck softly, a testament to his control when possessed with such great physical strength. His lips met hers, a soft crush of silken flesh and a simple union that caused the metaphysical ether to become alive with arching energies.
He was committed and it remained to be seen whether or not she would submit to this prelude or whether she would retreat from it and lash out. He remembered the fate of Caed when he had become so familiar. This situation was different though. Her body language spoke of a longing, a want for this very thing to happen, for in the union of the physical there was an exchange of the metaphysical and he felt her rushing, desirous energies coursing through him and surely she felt his own heated passions coursing through her. He took a moment's initiative to allow even this simple joining to go yet another step further. Just a little step further that was what she had wanted yes? Telepathic tendrils slithered forth like a caress across her synapses. The contact was not deep nor was it invasive, merely a window into his mind and likewise a conduit for him to experience her emotions, and her mental state at this very moment. Mental, physical and metaphysical all joined together in one moment. It was ecstasy. Such an intimate level of contact and such a teasing prelude to what they could both experience.
He was committed and it remained to be seen whether or not she would submit to this prelude or whether she would retreat from it and lash out. He remembered the fate of Caed when he had become so familiar. This situation was different though. Her body language spoke of a longing, a want for this very thing to happen, for in the union of the physical there was an exchange of the metaphysical and he felt her rushing, desirous energies coursing through him and surely she felt his own heated passions coursing through her. He took a moment's initiative to allow even this simple joining to go yet another step further. Just a little step further that was what she had wanted yes? Telepathic tendrils slithered forth like a caress across her synapses. The contact was not deep nor was it invasive, merely a window into his mind and likewise a conduit for him to experience her emotions, and her mental state at this very moment. Mental, physical and metaphysical all joined together in one moment. It was ecstasy. Such an intimate level of contact and such a teasing prelude to what they could both experience.
[more to be added from the transcript]